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Carrot Seed Essential Oil



Carrying an aroma that can be described as earthy and dry, Carrot Seed Essential Oil is highly valued for its ability to brighten complexion, tone the skin, helping to keep it fresh and youthful looking. In fact, Carrot Seed Oil came to life in the time of the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, where it was commonly used to sooth inflammation.


There are many other Carrot Seed Oil benefits that can enhance all aspects of life, as seen below:


• The benefits of Carrot Seed Oil can be seen when trying to reduce redness and age spots. This is because like carrots, Carrot Seed Essential Oil has the ability to strengthen red blood cells.


• In aromatherapy, Carrot Seed Oil can revive the mind and restore mental alertness.


• For this reason, the benefits of Carrot Seed Essential Oil are useful to those who are wanting to ease feelings of stress and exhaustion.


To experience these Carrot Seed Essential Oil benefits, you can create an uplifting essential oil blend by combining Carrot Seed Oil with Lemon or Lime essential oils. Carrot Seed Oil also blends well with Lavender and Orange Sweet essential oils.

Carrot Seed Essential Oil

  • Diffusion

    • To receive the clarifying and calming benefits of Carrot Seed Oil add a few drops of your essential oil to your Aromatherapy Diffuser, Car Diffuser, or Diffuser Necklace.

    Topical Use

    • For those wanting to use Carrot Seed Essential Oil topically, dilute your oil in a carrier oil of choice at a 2 - 4% dilution and apply topically as a skin serum or massage oil.

    • For facial application, we recommend a 1% dilution.

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