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Awaken a brilliant power that shines within you and realise your ultimate potential.

•   Are you ready to transform your pain into power and life, rather than just 'fixing' the
•   Are you searching to find simple answers to life's seemingly complex problems?
•   Are you looking for a balance of answers in all areas of your life to get to the core of
    your issues?

In The Power of Your Spirit, Faye Rosie, a shaman and naturopath offers you the spiritual forces - "embedded" in the book - to move beyond healing to transformation.

We are a triune being, consisting of a spirit, a soul and a body. When we discover the wholeness within, the things seemingly impossible to us are possible by the power of the spirit within.

The Power of Your Spirit is a how to book containing life changing true stories to help us reconnect with the power of spirit and shine out our real Self.


  • "Faye Rosie's great contribution, "The Power of Your Spirit", I think it is one of (if not the) best, most comprehensive, practical and spiritually sound books I've ever read. Especially in terms of clarifying for me any lingering questions I had about mind/body/spirit integration. It's just an amazing book! nd yet so easy to read. And I must also say - there truly does seem to be some kind of embedded energy of a positive, healing nature, that makes you feel like you are getting a much needed alignment or tune-up, while dancing with this highly qualified author's stories and helpful explanations.

    I recommend it to anybody interested in feeling and doing better in their life. Especially, if you want to put that 'childlike' sparkle back into your eyes, reflecting a real connection with the divine."


    Tom Newnam, author of "Memo from Your Soul".

    "Faye not only looks at people in a very holistic way by very clearly explaining our three fold nature, but having shamanic gifts she goes much deeper than that.In the book, "The Power of Your Spirit", she gives specific instructions to get to the core and the very cause of a given situation. For instance she gives you tools and pointers how to access an underlying emotional cause to a physical illness. Once we can understand and feel what had transpired to get us so out of balance, we can then transmute those stored negative feelings and heal our body and spirit.

    There are great stories presented as examples and she even embedded shamanic tools for the reader to receive and use. It is a great self-help book for serious transformation and I like the fact that she never passes judgement, but takes into account that we are all just regular humans, struggling on our path to holistic wellness.""Faye's varied education shines through with her knowledge of anatomy and medical conditions via Western medicine. Her wholistic approach to health embraces the Chinese concepts of health through the elements of Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Metal and how they translate to the human body. Ultimately, she delves into the unseen spiritual realms that influence the human condition, a subject often neglected in books regarding health.Faye speaks with a caring, gentle voice and uses case histories to illustrate her points, thus keeping the narrative interesting as we get a glimpse of the people she has helped along the way.I recommend this book for anyone who is seeking a healthier, happier existence."


    Dana Taylor, author of "Ever Flowing Streams".



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Disclaimer: Please note – the services offered by Dragon Energy Healing are not intended in any way to diagnose or cure any medical illness, nor as a substitute or replacement for conventional medical or mental health care.  No particular outcome to any session or sessions is guaranteed and clients are not advised to terminate or abstain from such care because of treatment they are receiving from Dragon Energy  Healing.

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