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Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil


For those who are unaware, the Lavandin Grosso plant is a hybrid of two different lavender botanical species and because of this, Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil is said to be slightly more potent than Lavender Essential Oil.


Because of its refreshingly floral and herbaceous aroma, Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil is a common ingredient in a lot of fine perfumes and is frequently used to fragrance homes. Other benefits of Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil may be an effective treatment for the following:


• Much like Lavender Essential Oil, Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil contains natural sedative, calmative and rejuvenating properties and because of this, it is known to be one of the most popular essential oils for sleep.


• The purifying and antiseptic properties within Lavandin Grosso Oil makes it a fantastic essential oil for the skin; in fact, many have experienced the benefits of Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil when treating skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.


• Other Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil benefits have been seen to assist with respiratory related illnesses and infections.


• The benefits of Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil have also been experienced by those who suffer from muscular pain and joint inflammation.


For those wanting to create their own essential oil blend, Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil blends well with Cinnamon essential oil, Citronella, Clary Sage, Clove Bud, Lemon, Lemongrass, Pine Scotch and Rosemary essential oils. If you are wanting a calming and restorative essential oil blend, Lavandin Grosso blends well with Bergamot essential oil, Cypress, Geranium, Jasmine, Sweet Orange, and Patchouli essential oils.

Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil

  • Diffusion

    • To experience the aromatic benefits of Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil, add a few drops to your Aromatherapy Diffuser, Car Diffuser, or Diffuser Necklace.

    • Its restorative and soothing abilities makes it the perfect essential oil to have diffusing on any bedside table or nightstand before sleep.

    Topical Use

    • For those wanting to use Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil topically, simply add a few drops to your preferred carrier oil of choice at a 2-4% dilution and apply topically as a skin serum or massage oil. 

    • For facial application, we recommend a 1-2% dilution.

    • You can also dilute Lavandin Grosso Oil in a base moisturiser and apply to affected areas.

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